
Der ODEC bestätigt, dass die eingetragenen Personen im Besitz eines Diploms einer Höheren Fachschule (HF) sind. Es wird sichergestellt, dass eine Kopie des Diploms beim ODEC hinterlegt ist.

Registered persons are listed on the Internet with the following details: Surname, first name, place of origin, date of birth, specialisation, diploma degree, higher technical college, other qualifications.

1. general provision
Diplomas from education and training programmes are entered in the register. The following conditions must be met: 

  • The basic entry is the HF diploma (training programme) or an equivalent qualification under previous legislation.
  • Entry of further diplomas or qualifications: Tertiary qualifications (e.g. professional examinations, higher professional examinations), further training courses lasting at least 6 months (e.g. CAS, NDS, MAS, EMBA), other qualifications that are important for the sector.

It is ensured that copies of the registered diplomas and degrees are deposited with the ODEC.

2. premium, circle or honorary members

  • Register costs for initial registration: CHF 60 (one-off)
  • The registration of further diplomas or degrees is free of charge
  • Have copies sent to you: CHF 10 + postage will be charged

3. pro members

  • Initial registration CHF 100 instead of CHF 200 (one-off)
  • Entries of further diplomas are free of charge
  • The entry in the register remains valid until cancelled
  • Have copies sent to you: CHF 10 + postage will be charged

If an entry exists in the HF Register when leaving the ODEC, the person will automatically continue as a Register member.

4 Register membership 

Individual registrations
Register membership CHF 200 (one-off)

Registrations in collaboration with universities of applied sciences
If the costs of register membership are covered by universities of applied sciences (HF), reduced amounts apply

Service costs

  • Entry per additional diploma: CHF 30
  • Delivery of diploma copies: CHF 20 + shipping costs
  • Send diploma as PDF: CHF 10

Cancellation and re-entry into the register membership

  • The entry in the register remains valid until cancelled
  • If the invoice is not settled, the entries will be cancelled
  • The register fee for the initial entry will be charged again.


Premium-, Circle- or Honorary Members

  • Initial registration CHF 60 instead of CHF 200 (one-off)
  • Entries of further diplomas are free of charge
  • The register entry remains valid until cancelled
  • Have a PDF sent to you: CHF 0
  • Have copies sent to you: CHF 10 + postage will be charged

Pro members

  • Initial registration CHF 100 instead of CHF 200 (one-off)
  • Entries of further diplomas are free of charge
  • The register entry remains valid until cancelled
  • Have a PDF sent to you: CHF 0
  • Have copies sent to you: CHF 10 + postage will be charged

Register members

  • Initial registration CHF 200 (one-off)
  • Entry for each additional diploma: CHF 30
  • Have copies sent to you: CHF 20 + shipping costs will be charged
  • Have PDF sent to you: CHF 10
  • The entry in the register remains valid until cancelled

Cancellation and re-entry into the register

The register fee for the initial entry is charged again.

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